Dataset Open Access

The FE108 dataset

Jiqing Zhang,Xin Yang,Yingkai Fu,Xiaopeng Wei,Baocai Yin,Bo Dong.

Object tracking by jointly frame and event domain,proceeding of the IEEE/CVF international Conference on Computer Vision. 2021.

[2109.09052] Object Tracking by Jointly Exploiting Frame and Event Domain (

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The FE108 dataset is captured by a DAVIS346 eventbased camera, which equips a 46x260 pixels dynamic vision sensor (DVS) and an active pixel sensor (APS). It can simultaneously provide events and aligned grayscale images of a scene. The ground truth bounding boxes of a moving target are provided by the Vicon motion capture system, which captures motion with a high sampling rate (up to 330Hz) and sub-millimeter precision. During the capturing process, we fix APS’s frame rate to 20/40 FPS and Vicon’s sampling rate to 240Hz, which are also the annotation frequency of the captured APS frame and accumulated events, respectively. 

FE108 is featured in

> High-quality label. The Vicon system can provide the 3D position in sub-millimeter precision.

> Diversity in target. 21 classes (animal, vehicle, and daily goods).

> Diversity of event rate. Avg event rate in (0, 3800] Ev/ms.

> Real world challenges. Low light, high dynamic range, fast motion, motion blur and so on.

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